Hands on Flow Cytometry Training


Basic to Advanced

We offer hands on training tailored to your needs. This can be done in your lab with your assays and your instruments. We allow you to select areas where extra emphasis will ensure maximum value is received. Our network of partners allows us to bring in demo instruments for comparison of new technologies. Please review the topics below and reach out to us to discuss options and availability.

Continuing Educational Units (CEU) can be provided at no extra charge. 


  • Titrations

  • Immunophenotyping

  • Cell Cycle and Apoptosis

  • Fluorescent Proteins


  • Multi-Color Flow Cytometry

  • Cytokines/Chemokines

  • Cell Signaling


  • Working with Tissues

  • Rare Cell Detection

  • Cell Sorting

Fundamental Topics

An important first step in any flow cytometry experiment. Vendors provide concentrations based on their own assay, however it may not be optimal for your experiment. We teach you how to customize all aspects of the protocol to reduce compensation issues and save money.

A great way to apply the basic concepts of flow cytometry. We emphasize techniques such as backgating to validate correct blocking and population staining. This activity also provides valuable compensation experience.

Cell Cycle and Apoptosis
These assays are a classic way to understand the mechanisms of the drugs you are studying. We teach you how to ascertain if cells of interest arrest in a specific stage of the cell cycle and if they undergo apoptosis. 

Fluorescent Proteins
An easy way to monitor what genes are being turned on and off in response to different stimuli. You can combine them with cell specific markers to understand what cells are involved in the response.

Intermediate Topics

Multi-Color Flow Cytometry
Using 5 or more colors can greatly increase the information gained from your experiments. We help you leverage the options specific to your instrument and give you the knowledge to select the best color combination to increase the information gained from your experiments.

Knowing how to do cytokine and chemokine flow cytometry assays can help you to understand a cell's response to different chemicals both in-vitro and in-vivo. There are many things to consider in these types of experiments including which colors are best for intracellular staining.

Cell Signaling
Understand the kinetics of a drug response using a phosflow technique which can be very tricky. Our instructors help you to determine the best combination of markers for your experiment with optimal conditions.

Advanced Topics

Tissues -tumor, spleen, liver, lung
It is important to understand what is happening to the cells in a tissue. Isolating cells from different tissue types can be challenging leading to artifacts if not done correctly.  Looking for infiltrating leukocytes or resident tissue cells takes different techniques.

Rare cell detection (<1 cell in a 1000)
This can be challenging, especially in tissues.  We work with you to build first hand experience with this technique, including panel design.

Cell Sorting
New instrumentation capabilities ease the complexity, however, there is no replacement for first hand experience. You will learn this specialized technique that takes years of experience to master.